martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

México en la Piel!

Well, I'm not proud of being Mexican. I like Mexico, I like my country, maybe Mexico is the only place I will always feel as home, but I'm not proud of it. I'm not saying I hate Mexico, I think all the countries have good and bad things, but sometimes I think Mexico is not as good as I would like it to be. Mexico could be a better country, but since years the government, the people, the situations have let Mexico come down.
It has amaizing things, Mexico is full of wonderful places, nice customs, nice people, it has a great history and a great past, I love the food, the weather... but it also has a lot of defects. As I said before, all countries have.
I just can say that I like my country, I'm not proud of it, I just think is nice...

Why do I think Mexicans are creative? I think it's because their history, our history, and also our customs and traditions. I think we are very influnced by our past cultures. So I think is for that reason... Our creativity as country has been developed since our cultures.

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